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In Dung Love, we join a little beetle and his precious dung ball on a long and treacherous pilgrimage. Puddles become lakes and pebbles become mountains. Our tiny hero braves the towering grass, a searing blacktop highway, and one very hungry bird, all while keeping his smelly cargo safe. Why does he risk his buggy life for a nasty ball of poop? Beyond the littered streets and forest, the beetle uses the dung for an unexpectedly beautiful purpose. 

Christine's directorial debut, Dung Love, is currently on it's festival run and unavailable for public viewing.

Visit the film's website for more info, enjoy the trailer below, and look forward to watching Dung Love in it's entirety soon!

Written and Directed by Christine Veverka

Produced by Alison Agnew

Gage Bowman

Marianna Falletti

Meagan Lee

Teresa Faller

Tre Fewell

Alex Norton

Music and Sound by Aren Blondal

Poster by Baekjung Kim

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